We want to help you discover and embrace your unique adventure!
If you’d like to dive deep into some joyful self-discovery, the Dream Workbook will take you there.
In this workbook you’ll learn:
How to identify your true calling in life, a dream unique to your heart
How to create a daring life of adventure that is custom designed for you
How to find clarity and know where to focus your time and energy
How to break through fear, guilt and distraction to pursue your calling with passion, risk and joy
How to pursue what you love to create a business, organization or cause
It’s time to listen to yourself and to your unique calling, discover the dream that lies buried within, and find the courage to bring it to life!
This workbook is jam-packed with practical wisdom, exercises to walk you through a process of discovering your Dream, and hands-on advice for how to pursue the Adventure you were made for.