Create Time Blocks to Get More Done

dividing your day to get organized

For some of us, creating a plan comes easily, but perhaps executing it… not so much.

Others are spontaneous and action-oriented, but not always strategic with their plans.

For maximum Impactivity, we believe it’s best to aim for a middle place – where you are taking steady and consistent action on a strategic plan.

how to make this strategic


First, it’s critical to break down your Dream into the specifics of a Vision, some tangible strategies, and specific tactics.

But once you have those tactics and ideas, how do you fit all of it (including work, rest, friends) into a strategic plan for your day?

One great way to get strategic is to break your day down into time blocks.

These blocks will be very specific to you. Perhaps you’ve got a day job. Maybe lots of home and family responsibilities. Definitely create a block for your Dream (even if it can’t be every day).

What else goes into your day, that needs a time block? What about the habits and routines you know you should have in place, to stay healthy?

What about time with family and friends? Time to rest?

You can break each day into multiple blocks that repeat from day-to-day, or perhaps you’d rather look at your week as a whole, with different days devoted to different blocks.

These time blocks are all about focus. They’re about your decision to work on this one thing for this time block. It’s intentional and focused.

### No stress!

The time blocks are also very helpful in moving you forward. As soon as you give yourself a time frame, you get a bit of energy and momentum to move forward. How much can you accomplish in that block?

Remember, you’re not creating multiple stress-inducing deadline for each day. You’re not making a vow to finish a certain task in this block. You’re simply devoting this block to a certain task or project, and seeing how much you’re able to get done.

Make a game of it! Let it energize you and excite you. And when interruptions come (as they inevitably will!) there’s no need to freak out, because it wasn’t a deadline.

### Look ahead

Use your Weekend Watershed to plan those time blocks for the week. Give yourself just enough projects or tasks to fill up your time blocks at the start of the week. Don’t worry about the next three months! Just plan enough so that you can jump into this time block quickly, with very little planning or ramping up into that task.

In the same way that habits and routines give you a shortcut, remove the need for decision-making, and keep you from stalling, these time blocks will push you past procrastination by not giving you much of a choice about what’s next. You’re energized into go-mode!

### Don’t forget to review

Part of the Recharge element of Impactivity is to keep reviewing your plan, to see how it went, to celebrate what you accomplished, and to make changes for the upcoming week as you plan your next set of time blocks. Don’t skip your review!

your best next step

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Create a daily workflow with habits, your Dream Projects, and all the elements you need for Impactivity.

See the Organize Guide